CloudNYne Weddings
We can custom tailor your Wedding Entertainment. Please call us to discuss your special day!!!
Typical and Suggested Wedding Timeline
This timeline shows a typical sequence of events that help make the reception run smoothly. This is only a "suggested" timeline based on performing at many weddings and our experience with a variety of caterers and is not a requirement if you have an alternate sequence in mind. Times are approximate only and any traditions for example: the bouquet toss, do not have to be done. The band will play music if those traditions are being skipped. If there are any special dance requests, for example: ethnic dances, they work best when fit into the dance set after dinner.
The following sequence is based on a complete package with the ceremony beginning at 4:00 pm, cocktail hour beginning at 4:30 pm and the reception beginning at 5:30 pm. If you are not having CloudNYne Music supply you with these added events, please skip to the part that applies to you.
2:00 pm: Musician supplying ceremonial and/or cocktail hour music arrives at site.
3:30 pm: Entire band arrives for set-up of reception
3:45 pm: Music played for ceremonial guest seating
4:00 pm: Ceremony on site (music of your choice)
4:15 pm: Music played until guests exit
4:30 pm: Cocktail hour begins
5:20 pm: Tina coordinates with caterer and arranges line ups with wedding party
5:30 pm: Guests move from cocktail hour into reception area and band plays light jazz/swing music
5:40 pm: Wedding party introduced, first dance
5:50 pm: Toast(s) and blessing(s) (if any)
6:00 pm: Band plays (usually standards, swing, light dance set unless otherwise requested) salad course served
7:00 pm: Entrees served, band breaks & DJ's dinner music
7:20 pm: Band plays long dance set
8:20 pm: Cake ceremony, father/daughter dance, mother/son dance, bouquet/garter tosses (if any)
8:40 pm: Cake and coffee served, band breaks and DJ's dance music
8:50 pm: Band plays last dance set (usually what guests request)
9:25 pm: Band plays last song (usually first dance with guests joining on the dance floor with the bride & groom)
9:30 pm: Reception ends or band stays for overtime
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Who will ensure our wedding flows smoothly all night?
Answer: CloudNYne will ensure you Wedding reception is coordinated with our professional emcees. We will meet with you prior to your special day and review the activities.
Question: What will it cost for all this great entertainment?
Answer: Our rates are very competitive and reasonable. We will custom tailor the entertainment for your budget. From adding a full brass section to a 5 piece or even a duo act, we can adjust the entertainment to your budget. Our rates are very competative to some of the more prominent and quality DJ's in the area.
Question: What if CloudNYne is already contracted for another event?
Answer: Weddings, Corporate events, and private affairs are our TOP priority. Public events can be rescheduled to accomodate your event. If we are previously scheduled for a wedding on your preferred date, we will refer you to another quality wedding band.